1998 Case IH 2366 Combine for sale – 186208

1998 Case IH 2366 Combine for sale

The Case IH 2366 combine is one of the best corn eating machines in the field. With it’s combination of capacity and efficiency, the CIH 2366 combine is able to cruise through the corn and soybean field like butter. The 24 inch Axial Flow rotor threshes grain with ease, while the efficient and effective separating makes sure your sample is clean everytime,

This CIH 2366 combine is a recent trade in, and was always run through the Uptime at the local dealer (even this summer). The combine is clean and ready to get to your farm. You can be picky with this one, and it’ll make you happy.

Case IH 2366 Combine
– Bin Extension
– Stone Retarder Drum
– 5254 engine hours
– 3729 separator hours
– 24.5-32 Front Tires
– 14.9-24 Rear Tires

We have a full selection of corn heads and grain heads for this combine. We have 4, 6, and 8 row corn heads and Case IH 1020 grain heads in any size from 15-30 foot wide.

1998 CIH 2366 Combine for sale